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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Student's Pictures Before, During and After Trip to Weston

Picture Below: The reason why we dress in that way. It's raining.. haha!

Picture Below: This is how human act when they saw foods.

Picture Below: Walking... Jenette scares chicken!

Picture Below: Same, walking to the area where everyone need to get in to the boat.

Picture Below: Jenette is taking a movie.

Picture Below: Zul and Lance. They are the only guy who joined this trip.

Picture Below: Felisia and Lisa. *Peace to the world!*

Picture Below: Zul, Chloe, and Lance. They are sitting behind and we are trying to take picture together.

Picture Below: Felisia, Lisa, and Peggy. They are enjoying the view and searching for monkeys.

Picture Below: Chloe, Zul, and Lance again. The guys posed this time. =)

Picture Below: Peggy and Jenette. The best picture.

So these are the pictures that we took! Hope you love it!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Seven hearts means seven people went to the trip!

The travel company that we joined is

Trip to Weston Wetland Sanctuary

Hello everybody!
It's such a great opportunity to write in again!

Now let's go to the main point. Welcome to Weston Wetland Sanctuary!

Going there, we need an approximate of 2 hours 30 minutes to reach. Passing by few places from the city which there are Putatan, Papar, Beaufort, and so on. Weston Wetland Sanctuary is located further more of Beaufort and near to Sipitang.

By that time, we departed from Putatan at 1pm straight and reached Beaufort. Due to the case of raining cats and dogs, the guide was worried about us getting wet and cold once reach Weston Wetland Sanctuary. Some more, he said "As the boat is moving, the wind blows." So, we stop at Beaufort for a while just to buy raincoat. Thumbs up for the service of the guide.

Picture Below: Town Centre of Beaufort

Picture Below: Pass by the Beaufort Bridge and saw the Padas River.

Finally we have reached Weston Wetland Sanctuary and the rain is getting smaller. First, we will be having our short walk into the village by walking on the timber path ways. Then, we will be visiting one of the houses in the village and entertained by the villagers by serving their local cakes (kuih muih), tea and coffee. From there, everybody are able to learn the culture and the lifestyle of the locals.

As the time pass by, it's time for us to continue our journey! First, we will take a short walk to go further into the village and take a look at the scenery. It is beautiful, calm, and mysterious as you can see from the pictures below.

After that, all of us went in to the boat and sat properly with safety jackets. We came across with the Birds, Proboscis Monkeys (they are huge) and Silver Langur! There are a lot of them swanging and jumping around. Plus, we are able to spot the young Proboscis! Some might just sit there without moving and some are 'dating' the other Proboscis. Definitely you are able to take a lot of beautiful pictures along the journey. Other than that, there are cows and crocodiles!

Picture Below: Can you see two faces on the sky? It's like kissing

As the journey continues, we saw the sunset and it is beautiful. When it is going to dark, we are able to taste the foods that have been prepared. It is delicious and fresh.

In the end, there will be suprises! Want to know what is that?

Explore it yourself!

Hint: Stars

Friday, August 14, 2009

Other Pricing Techniques

Let's GO!

1. Promotional Pricing
- Companies used as they temporarily sell products below their normal price.
- Often done to introduce new or revamped product (Which means let the product alive again! if i'm not mistaken).
- For example, 0 air fair offered by Air Asia

2. Product Bundle Pricing
- Used when a company combine several of their products to promote them as a package.
- For example, Tours offers in packages

3. Discriminatory Pricing
- Allow an organization to sell a product or service at two or more prices with the product cost are the same.
- For example, Local and International Tourist

4. Price Spread and Price Point
- Price Spread is where the price of the product that suit the budget of all markets.
- Like it is affordable to everyone.
- For example, Parking tickets fees

- Price Points is where the price setting in between of lowest and highest priced item.
- For example, price of dishes at RM5 to RM10 or RM10 to RM20

5. Discounting
- Offering a special price to attract customers
- For example, Airline or hotels will offer discounted rates in low season.

6. Yield
Don't care about this la. lol

NOTE: Most of the explanation are same as what stated in the notes. You know why? Because I can't find any of these in the marketing book that on my hand.

And! I think probably the lecturer will ask for 5 answers from here.
So, forget about Yield. BUT I'M NOT SURE! DON"T BLAME ME AHH!! hahahha

Good luck!

Pricing Strategies for New Product

There are three Pricing Strategies for New Product
1. Prestige Pricing
2. Market Skimming
3. Market Penetration

Now let's see which I should explain...

Anyway, the Market Skimming and Market Penetration is the same as which you had included in the Product Life Cycle. Remember when in the "Introduction Stage"? It carries the same meaning. So, no need to worry about those two.

1. Prestige Pricing
- Setting high prices to position a product at the upper or luxury end of market
- Producing a high quality and charging the highest price.
- For example, Mercedes Benz and Rolex

Why they are considered as Prestige Pricing strategies?
This is because both brands are branded goods which have high quality and standards.
That is why you won't find them selling in Putatan. LOL.
Mostly you will find it in where? Town area.

2. Market Skimming
- Setting high prices at the launch stage and lowering slowly as the product becomes mature. (Same in PLC right?)
- Most product are in high demand in the early stage of the life cycle.
- That is why using Market Skimming may lead to profit maximization.
- For example, Handphones

3. Market Penetration
- Setting at lower price to get maximum sales and market share.
- Increase price slightly in the future.
- For example, (ehhhh...... ) haha!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Functions of the Distribution System

There are 6 Functions of the Distribution System
1. Acquiring Information
2. Promotion
3. Contact
4. Negotiation
5. Physical Distribution
6. Financing

Let me introduce ^.^

When you see the word ‘function’, straight away you think in your mind of the word “WHY?”
Or else, remember the “5W1H” or in the other way round which is 1 husband have 5 wives. (like Zul. Lol.)
You know what this means?
1 H is How
5 W is Who, What, Where, Why and When

Ask yourself, “Why Distribution system needed in a company?” or “What is the use of it?”
Then you’ll know how to answer and elaborate all of these.

Distribution - Direct and Indirect

Distribution is considered as ‘Place’ in marketing mix.

There are 2 types of distribution, which are…
1. Direct Distribution Channel
2. Indirect Distribution Channel

Now let us go into these two distribution channels

Direct Distribution Channel

It is a channel which a company delivers its product to the consumer without the outside assistance of any intermediaries. For example, Bed and Breakfast.
This means that, if a company uses Direct Distribution Channel then they deliver the company’s product or service without any middle man. They do everything on their own without any help from the outsiders.

Indirect Distribution Channel
It is a channel which a company delivers its product to the consumer with the assistance of independent intermediaries. For example, Travel agents, Tour Operators, and Travel Specialists.
This means that, if a company uses Indirect Distribution Channel, they will need the help of middle man as to attract consumer to the product, service, or destination. You can give more explanation by saying that “Travel Agents help a company to...”

Good luck!

Tips for Marketing

Chapter 3
Tourism Marketing Environment

Chapter 4
Marketing Information System
Marketing Research

Chapter 7
New Product Development (NPD)

Chapter 8
Product Life Cycle (PLC)

Chapter 9
7 Factors Determining Pricing Decision
3 Pricing Strategies used in Positioning
3 Pricing for New Product
6 Other Pricing Strategies

Chapter 10
2 Types of Distribution
6 Functions of Distribution System
4 Marketing Intermediaries
4 Functions of Travel Agent

Chapter 11
5 Types of Advertising
Word of Mouth - 1o reason of word of mouth
Note: There will be a question which include the whole topic of Chapter 11. So Read all Chapter 11 better.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tips for Moral

There will be 3 sections in the Final Exam for Moral

Section A: Objective (40marks)
Section B: Short Answer (20marks)
Section C: Essay (4 Questions only need to choose 2)

Essay either will come out the topic or chapter of:
1. Moral Standard/ Value/ Religion
2. Religion (Islam/ Christian/ Buddhism/ ...)
3. Theory (Consequenism/ Non-Consequenism/ Utilitarianism/...)
4. Moral Issue (Examples will be from Group Assignments)

Tips for TMG2106

Hia everybody!
It's been a long long time I update this blog with words and stuffs about our subjects.
Well, not to worry because now I'm going to post up the tips for TMG2106!

Enjoy and study well!

Unit 1: Five General Functions
Unit 2: Four Managerial Skills
Unit 3: Three aspect of Delegations and Performance Appraisal (No need to study The Control Process)
Unit 5: Two types of Theory (No need to study Vroom's Expectancy only)
Unit 6: All (No need to study Task Oriented vs People Oriented in Page 2 and Situation Theories in Page 5 & 6)
Unit 7: Which you feel it's important

To be continue...